Health, nutrition and clean water
(Haree versaun Tetun iha okos)
In partnership with health centres, government departments and community leaders, we promote vital health and nutrition behaviours, and increase access to clean water and better sanitation. We aim to reduce deaths of children under five and mothers by improving nutrition, protecting from infection and disease, and ensuring access to essential health services. Our projects provide safe and reliable water supplies, and promote hand-washing and the elimination of open defecation.
Read stories:
Mother Support Group saves Adelia's life
Clean water brings health for Domingas' family
Improved nutrition sets Astrya up for a brighter future
Clean water puts a spring in their step
Saúde, nutrisaun no bee moos
Iha parseria ho sentru saúde, departamentu governmental, no lider komunitária sira, ami promove komportamentu saúde no nutrisaun vitál sira, no hasa’e asesu ba bee moos no saneamentu di’ak liu. Ami-nia objetivu mak atu redús mortalidade ba labarik idade menór tinan lima no inan sira liuhusi hadi’ak nutrisaun, proteje hasoru infesaun no moras, no garante asesu ba servisu sira esensiál saúde nian. Ami-nia projetu fornese bee moos seguru no laran-metin, no promove fase-liman no eliminasaun ba soe fo’er boot arbiru.
Lee istória sira:
Mother Support Group saves Adelia's life
Clean water brings health for Domingas' family