Reducing violence against women and children
(Haree versaun Tetun iha okos)
We work to address gender equity, increase female participation and leadership, and counteract violence against women and children. Alongside communities, local leaders and government officials, parents and teachers, we help to reduce gender-based violence by changing the attitudes and behaviours of men, women, boys and girls.
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Domingas and her family find harmony at home
Redús violénsia bazeia ba Jéneru
Ami servisu atu rezolve ekuidade jéneru, hasa’e partisipasaun no lideransa feto no kombate violénsia hasoru feto no labarik sira. Hamutuk ho komunidade, lider lokál no funsionáriu governu, inan-aman, no mestre/a sira, ami ajuda atu redús violénsia bazeia ba jéneru liuhusi mudansa ba atitude no komportamentu mane, feto, labarik mane no labarik feto sira.
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