Young People’s Forum for Change

Friday, November 29, 2013

Written by Duong Thi Ngoc Anh – HIV-PCS Project Assistant in Hai Phong; Pham Thi Hoang Bich – Project Assistant, Hoa Vang ADP

More than 300 young people raised their opinions and concerns with local leaders at two forums organised by World Vision in Hai Phong and Da Nang.

At the Hai Phong forum – entitled "What I Want to Share‟ – children living with HIV or AIDS and/or with parents carrying the disease, detailed a number of serious problems affecting their lives.

These issues included a lack of parental care, personal responsibility when their parents were sick, and having to drop out of school due to financial reasons. Young people infected with HIV and AIDS described stories of being told to leave home, while others outlined the stigma they face at school when classmates discover their parents have the virus.

“My family is so poor. My father died and my mother can't afford hospital treatment when she's sick,” said Thao, a grade 7 student.

"I'm worried that she won't have enough money for my school fees. Can you help me?” Thao asked the local leaders present.

“Young people like me receive counselling and some financial assistance from the [World Vision-funded] HIV Prevention and Care project,” explained Gioi, who is in grade 9.

“We've also been trained in how to look after our [HIV-infected] parents when they‟re sick,” Gioi continued, “but I'm concerned about whether we'll continue to receive the support if the project ends next year.”

Replying to the children's questions, local authority officials stressed that taking care of children like Thao and Gioi was the priority in their district's political, economic and social development plan prepared in 2013.

“We're drafting a handover plan for World Vision's HIV project, so the children's wellbeing will be maintained and improved after the project is phased out,” confirmed Nguyen Thi Phuong, leader of the local Women's Union and Vice Head of the Project Management Board.

Previously, World Vision organised a forum for 200 children from underprivileged communities in Hoa Vang district in Da Nang. At this event, the participants discussed youth crime, a shortage of playgrounds for children, child injury and accident prevention, and a lack of parental care.