Healthy Environment And Wellness (HEAL)
Healthy Environment And Wellness (HEAL)
All children, especially the most vulnerable children and their families, have improved and sustained clean environment and safe water, improved health and nutritional status of children, increased economic opportunity of households to enhance access to WASH and Health services and also improved advocacy and accountability child protection and disaster resilience.
Our Core Models/Approaches
- Integrated WASH
- Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
- Community Committees (COMM)
- Positive Deviance Hearth (PD Hearth)
- Nurturing Care Group (NCG)
- Channel of Hope (CoH)
- Microfinance
- Child Protection & Advocacy (CPA)
- Citizen Voice & Action (CVA)
Our Key Achievements
- World Vision Ghana was recognized as the “Best Organization of the Decade (2008-2017) in Safe Water Delivery” at the 2018 Mole Conference (Mole XXIX).
- Over 4125 boreholes fitted with hand pumps, and 190 Limited Mechanized System (with 1613 taps installed) in communities, schools and health facilities.
- About 630 communities supported to attain Open Defecation Free (ODF) status using CLTs approach.
- More than 100 health facilities have been built across the country with support from World Vision Ghana, while 1.1 million people suffering from Neglected Tropical Diseases (Filiariasis, Yaws, and Onchocerciasis. etc.) were supported to receive treatment between 1999 and 2007.
Opportunities for Collaborations and Partnerships
WVG calls for support to undertake projects towards:
- Attaining Universal Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) coverage, in partnership with Government and all Stakeholders.
- Integrated WASH projects (Livelihood, health, nutrition, education etc.)
- Community Sensitization on Sanitation, Hygiene & Behavior change
- Provision of safely managed Household Water Connections
- Seeking sustained improvement in the health and nutritional status of children, especially under-five children.
- Advocating for improved WASH and Health Services Delivery