Agriculture and Livelihood Capacity Statement
Agriculture is a key driver of the Timor-Leste economy, with 80 percent of the population relying on rain-fed agriculture as the primary source of livelihoods and food security. However, agricultural productivity remains low, and farmers generally focus on the production of staple crops (rice, and maize) rather than diversified, nutritious foods.
World Vision Timor-Leste targets the most vulnerable households in all of its livelihood, agriculture, nutrition programs. WVTL intentionally integrates livelihood and agriculture activities into nutrition-sensitive and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) programs. WVTL has piloted a nature-based solution, known as Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), for farmers and communities to conserve water and protect land from soil degradation, improve soli fertility and regenerate degraded land.