Darara Community Welcomes a New World Vision Area Programme

World Vision Ethiopia signed the Darara Area Programme agreement document with the Sidama Regional State signatory bureaus
Mrs. Karmen, World Vision Ethiopia National Director, and Dr. Geremew Ararso Sidama, Regional State Finance Bureau Head, signed a two-year Darara Area Programme agreement document at Haile Resort, Hawassa.
Tuesday, November 21, 2023

World Vision Ethiopia has officially launched an Area Programme in Darara district, Central Zone, Sidama Regional State, on November 9, 2023. Mrs. Karmen Till, World Vision National Director, was present at the launching event, together with Mr. Beyene Berasa, Vice President of Sidama Regional State, Darara District Executive Administrator, Regional Finance Head, Regional Women and Children Head, and Dr. Abebe Nigatu, World Vision Ethiopia Senior Leadership Member.

Sidama Regional State Vise President, Mr. Beyene Barara, gave an opening remark on the Darara Area Programme launching event
Sidama Regional State Vise President, Mr. Beyene Barara, gave an opening remark on the Darara Area Programme launching event


In his kickoff speech, Mr. Beyene Berasa explained that World Vision’s new area programme in the region is a great opportunity for the community. "World Vision’s previous interventions have been impactful and a blessing, and we are grateful for the remarkable change they have brought to our region’s communities. I am confident that the newly launched area programme will improve the lives of children,” he stated.

Mrs. Karmen Till, World Vision National Director, said, ‘‘Today is like marking the time for Darara Area Programme. We are joining your journey together. We have done many tasks to identify what is the best use of all resources and have a design and an intended goal. Unless we work together to achieve this, the result will not turn out well. Money alone does not transform lives. Each one of us should have creativity, commitment, problem-solving skills, and sacrifice to succeed. Let’s make relentless efforts to ensure a better life for the children.”

Exchange of signed document
Mrs Karmen, World Vision Ethiopia National Director, and Dr. Geremew Ararso Sidama, Rigional State Finance Bureau Head, sign and exchange a two-year Darara Area Programme agreement document at Haile Resort, Hawassa.


Darara Area Programme, funded by World Vision United States (WVUS), has already started operation with three technical projects, namely, Integrated Livelihood and Nutrition Security, Community Engagement and Sponsorship Plan, and Water Sanitation and Hygiene, with a total budget of 42.3 million Birr (around $750,000), registering 2,750 children under the sponsorship programme. The project under implementation is expected to benefit 28,992 people, of which 19,550 will be children, with livelihood, child protection, access to education, clean water, sanitation, and hygiene in the next two years.

"Human needs have no limit. However, identifying prior needs is important. We cannot do much alone, but we can do better by partnering with others and pulling resources together from different sources. We appreciate World Vision’s allegiance in supporting us in this regard. We will make careful use of the resource in our custody,’’ Dr. Ararso Geremew, the Regional Finance Bureau Head, said during the event.

By Hilina Hailu, Communications Coordinator, World Vision Ethiopia