One ethnic minority women shared her feeling

Establishing Vulnerable People’s Rights and Access to Social Safety Net Programmes (EVPRA)

The European Union funded EVPRA project seeks to empower local, indigenous civil society organizations (CSOs), local authorities (LAs) and communities to promote access to Social Safety Net Programmes (SSNPs). It is being implemented by World Vision Bangladesh in partnership with local NGOs, Pollisree and PUMDO in the districts of Panchbibi, Joypurhat and Dinajpur. The EVPRA project works with the government and local stakeholders to enhance the transparency and accountability in the provision of SSNPs. One critical function of the EVPRA project has been the mobilization of a mass awareness on rights and access to SSNPs and basic human rights. This is an area where the project has been able to support the Government of Bangladesh in the rollout of its SSNPs, by creating awareness at the grassroots level on social safety programmes and citizens’ rights. EVPRA has been working closely with women led indigenous Civil Society Organizations (CSO), indigenous communities and other vulnerable people in the target districts, creating sustainable pathways for access to Social Safety Net programmes (SSNPs).

EVPRA at a glance:

EVPRA at a glance


Strategic Objective 1:

To strengthen the organizational capacity and sustainability of targeted local Indigenous CSOs

Strategic Objective 2:

To promote the transparency and accountability of existing government SSNPs

Strategic Objective 3:

To increase the total number of vulnerable people with access to SSNPs from the government

9 Key SSNPs targeted:

(1) Old age allowance, (2) Disability allowance, (3) Maternity allowance, (4) Vulnerable Group Development (VGD), (5) Vulnerable Group Feeding (VGF), (6) Food for Work, (7) Allowance for widowed, deserted and destitute women, (8) Primary education stipends, (9) Secondary education stipends