Unmasking the Impact of COVID-19 on Asia's Most Vulnerable Children
World Vision in Asia-Pacific, has been responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, since February 2020, starting with China and scaling up its response, across the region, as the virus spread transcending borders, to include all 17 country offices. In the relief phase of the response, World Vision has reached over 12,940,990 people and over 5,765,926 children.
Moving forward to the recovery phase, World Vision conducted a Recovery Assessment in 13 countries across Asia Pacific: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam to better understand the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on the lives of vulnerable children, in Asia, and better inform its response journey ahead.
The key findings of the Rapid Recovery Assessment will enable World Vision programmes to better meet the needs of our most important stakeholder, the most vulnerable children, and amplify their voices, in a broader regional and global arena.
The Rapid Recovery Assessment is based on the quantitative and qualitative primary data collected from parents and caregivers, children, and key informants at community levels, including community leaders, children groups, youth groups, government representatives, women’s groups, faith leaders, and CBOs.