Closure Report- Mymensingh Area Programme (AP), World Vision Bangladesh

Sunday, November 28, 2021

World Vision Bangladesh (WVB) launched its Mymensingh AP in 1999 with the goals to improve the health status of mothers and children, increase access to quality education, improve economic and social equity, and set up proper response systems for disaster management. After 22 years of operations, WVB saw significant improvement in community sanitation, livelihood diversity, and supplementation, gender equality, and awareness increased participation of children in governance and community service, healthcare advancement and access, and improved cooperation between faith leaders and the community in ensuring child protection. Keeping these successes in mind, the AP facilitators developed a transition plan with cooperation from community members, stakeholders, CBOs, child forums, NGOs, and local government agencies. In phases, WVB passed on ownership of the different interventions to their community counterparts. On 30 September 2021, this handover became complete.