Getting Noticed in the world of Education in Emergencies

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

We are delighted to announce that World Vision has been elected to the High-Level Steering Group (HLSG) and Executive Committee (ExCom) of  Education Cannot Wait (ECW). World Vision was elected by the INGO/CSO constituency to serve as their representatives for a two-year term.  World Vision Canada President and CEO Michael Messenger will serve on HLSG, and World Vision International’s Global Director for Child Protection & Education in Emergencies Marco Grazia will serve on ExCom.

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Getting noticed as a leader in the field

This outcome is a reflection of World Vision becoming a trusted global partner in the field of education in emergencies, through our engagement with key international stakeholders such as the Global Education Cluster, Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE), and through numerous national-level engagements.

World Vision’s current Education Cannot Wait portfolio is worth around US$5.4 million across seven directly-funded countries (Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, South Sudan, Uganda, and Zimbabwe).

Education Cannot Wait is the first global fund dedicated to education in emergencies, bringing together donors, developing country governments, implementing partners, private foundations, and civil society.  Established in 2016 and hosted by UNICEF, Education Cannot Wait has mobilized around US$650 million which has been delivered across 33 countries and is a significant stakeholder in the global education landscape, alongside the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), UNICEF, and the World Bank.  Education Cannot Wait at the country level convenes with main education stakeholders (local governments, UNICEF, UNHCR, INGOs, LNGOs, and others) through the Education Clusters or Education sector working groups to develop First Emergency Response (FER) programs and Multi-Year Resilience Programs (MYRP) that address immediate or medium-term funding gaps for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

How representation will help achieve World Vision’s Promise

Our service on the HLSG/ExCom will enable World Vision’s Education Sector to contribute more effectively to the achievement of the following Our Promise Phase 2 Strategic Initiatives:

  • Accelerate marketing capabilities to engage new donor groups and deliver high quality sustainable revenue, especially for fragile contexts
  • Strengthen and optimise our revenue base
  • Address Key Drivers of Extreme Child Vulnerability by expanding our education work in fragile and crisis contexts

 If you would like to know more - email us at: