Sustainable Solutions for Integration of Displaced and Conflict-Affected Persons (SSIDCAP)

The Project aims to support socio-economic integration and livelihood security of around 20,000 displaced and conflict-affected persons, residing in Armenia. The initiative was launched in 2019, financed by the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (BPRM) of U.S. Department of State.

Actions in Brief
Key Actions
• Assistance to jobseekers in integration into the labor market by providing technical and vocational trainings, connecting them with prospective employers and giving probation subsidies.
• Entrepreneurial assistance to beneficiaries with competitive business ideas by providing business development training and seed grants.
• Humanitarian assistance to spontaneously arrivals from Nagorno-Karabakh, including food and hygiene items; socio-psychological and life skills-coaching support; working tools to create a sustainable source of income to cover the increased family expenses due to hosting.