TB Ram Operation Research Project

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Tuberculosis(TB) is one of the leading causes of mortality in Thailand. The World Vision Foundation of Thailand(WVFT) conducted the TB-Ram Project in 6 targeted provinces. The purpose of the operation research(OR) is to assess the TB treatment outcomes of these communities & provide recommendations for future TB prevention programming. 


TB-Ram's Objectives:
1. To expend quality TB services to achieve increased case detection and treatment success among non-Thai migrants
2. To empower non-Thai communities to reduce their TB burden through public awareness
3. Develop a service delivery system that ensures coordinated TB/HIV care for non-Thai migrants
4. To increase the capacity of the implementing agencies

*The programme followed the National TB Plan and NTP strategies on: TB among marginalized population, ACSM, TB/HIV, and Operational Research