The Role of World Vision Zambia's Reading Camps in Enhancing Literacy Learning Among Children in Zambian Rural Communities
The World Vision Zambia Reading for Education and Development Technical Programme implements an innovative, evidence-based model called Unlock Literacy (UL) used for literacy enhancement. Nations currently implementing the UL model in Africa include Malawi, South Africa, Rwanda, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Zimbabwe. The UL model consists of three components, namely; (i) Learner Assessments which focus on using assessments to identify gaps and measure students' literacy levels in the five core reading skills (ii) Teacher Training – which provides an action-reflection experience for teachers to learn more about pedagogical practices in teaching the five core reading skills in line with the Zambian National Education Curriculum and the Primary Literacy Program (PLP), (iii) Community Action – mobilizing communities to support children's reading, and material creation – to better engage children in their learning.