COVID19 Emergency Response - Situation Report 10 - 24 June 2020

COVID19 Emergency Response - Situation Report 9 - 10 June 2020
Thursday, July 9, 2020

International flights resumed on 16 June following the relaxation of the lock-down. However, restriction still remain in other sectors such as education. Every year thousands of people in Bangladesh travel to Saudi Arabia to perform the hajj, an annual Islamic pilgrimage.

However, the pilgrimage will take place next month in the host country with a limited number of people residing in the country. The Government has allocated BDT 100 billion (1.18 billion USD) in the 2020-2021 budget for emergency healthcare requirements for COVID-19. A 2% tax has been imposed on all essential goods, a first in the history of Bangladesh. Government continues to equip COVID-19 centres to effectively treat patients.