Improving Child Literacy Through the support of Community Networks in Honduras

ULLN Honduras
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Context of the communities in this study

World Vision Honduras (WVH) began implementing the UL model in 2021 (having been delayed by one year due to Covid-19) and aims to reach approximately 120 communities, and their respective schools, in 5 departments of the country. For this study, 10 communities from three regions where WVH implements the UL model were selected: 4 communities in the Centre-East-South Integrated Program (PICOS) region, 3 communities in the North-West Integrated Program (PINO) region, and 3 communities in the Lenca Integrated Program (PILE) region. Of the 10 communities, 7 are classified as rural and 3 are considered urban-fragile (2 communities in PICOS and one in PINO).


The results of this research show that the innovative experience of the UL model in Honduras has deep local roots as communities adapt the UL model to suit their context over the first 2 years of its implementation. This reaserch highlights key factors hindering the effectiveness of reading camps and need to be addressed so that their negative effects can be reduced or overcome as well as key factors enabling reading camps to be effective and thus need to continue to be fostered and strengthened. This evidence can be used to strengthen the effectiveness of community networks to support children’s literacy development, especially for the most vulnerable children.