World Vision Global Health and Nutrition 2017 Annual Review

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The new World Vision strategy - Our Promise 2030 - refreshed our health and nutrition focus in 2017. It renewed our dedication to serve the most vulnerable children, expand our health and nutrition targets firmly into the adolescent cohort, and grow investment into fragile contexts. It also continues to reaffirm our commitment to community, our greatest and steadfast strength.

A review of World Vision work in 2017 demonstrates our dedication to longstanding initiatives:

1. World Vision has invested deeply in the global fight to end malnutrition, evidenced by compelling innovations addressing some of the most challenging aspects with sustainable methods. In fact, during the last five years, 89% of the more than 250,000 everely malnourished children treated with Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) by World Vision and its partners made a full recovery.

2. With an emphasis on holistic early child development approaches over a decade ago, our operational research now shows significant positive outcomes in the 0 - 3 cohort. 

3. Following nearly 70 years of long-term engagement in fragile contexts, our capacity to partner and coordinate development initiatives in the most challenging locales is unparalleled.

4. Leveraging faith for positive public health outcomes has been highly effective, particularly in regard to sexual and reproductive health practices.