Drought in World Vision Kenya Bamba Area Development Program, Kilifi County.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016
Bamba Area Development Program (ADP) is located in bamba division of ganze sub-county in kilifi county in the coast region. The program area covers five locations in the division with an area of 1,743.5 km2. World Vision Kenya program area has a total population of 54,736 out of which 24,240 people, direct beneficiaries and 30,496 indirect beneficiaries of the program interventions.
Despite efforts by partners to address water access in ganze sub county area, water availability is still a challenge in most parts. This is due to inadequate surface water resources, unreliable rainfall, high evaporation rates and saline sub-surface or ground water resources. During dry seasons, main reliable water source is the giriama ranch dam which is more than 25 kilometres from bamba town centre. The open water source provides water that is of poor quality and unsafe for human consumption.
The failure of both short and long rains in 2016, has worsened the situation.