2021 Digital Health Factsheet: AIM Health Plus – Tanzania

2021 Digital Health Factsheet - AIM Health Plus - Tanzania
Wednesday, November 2, 2022

The Access to Infant and Maternal Health Plus Project (AIM Health Plus) addresses the leading causes of maternal and neonatal mortality and improves young child survival and nutritional status across four countries in Africa. As part of the project’s digital health component, community health workers (CHWs) in Tanzania are provided with smartphones equipped with a tailored CommCare app to use during their home visits.

This digital tool supports CHWs who are using the Timed and Targeted Counselling (TTC) approach to promote positive health and nutrition behaviour change among pregnant women and mothers or caregivers of children under 2. The CommCare app aims to help improve the efficiency of CHW work, improve the effectiveness of behaviour change counselling that CHWs offer to families they serve, and strengthen Tanzania’s health system by improving utilisation of community-level data. Recently, this project team also began using Power BI to produce data visualisations that make it easier to gain key insights.

From October 2020 through September 2021, this project’s 243 digital tool users reached 37,807 beneficiaries, of which 26% were children ages 0 to 18, 38% were adult females, and 36% were adult males. Additional results are described in the factsheet.

The AIM Health Plus project is supported by Irish Aid.