“I Was Given The Opportunity To Be The Mother And The Woman I Wanted.”

Fida's Story - I Was Given The Opportunity To Be The Mother And The Woman I Wanted - World Vision JWG 1
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

In a densely populated town with a tight-knit social fabric, a girl named Fida was born. Fida grew up to become a girl, then a woman, and then the mother of two. However, Fida was not an ordinary mother.

She realized from the first moment she acquired the title of mother, that her responsibility was great, and that the influences surrounding her required her to acquire a lot of information and skills to be able to raise her children in the healthiest environment possible. She worked hard to seek knowledge, ideas, and information that followed scientific evidence and logical proofs.

Fida looked around her and saw many mothers in her town living in a state of confusion and loss. 
How wouldn’t they be, when they were trying hard to balance between the requirements of life and raising their children in a healthy manner, both psychologically and physically?

In 2019, Fida joined the ‘Positive Discipline in Parents' Daily Life’ training, implemented by World Vision in her village. This training came as a World Vision response to an apparent social need to reduce all forms of violence against children, whether was it intentional or not. Shortly after that, Fida joined the ‘Go Baby Go’ program trainings for early childhood development and maternal and child health. “I gained a lot of information that helped me change some of the negative and wrong practices that I used to raise my children,” says Fida.

Fida's and her family's life changed dramatically that year. She clearly saw a positive change in her relationship with her children. She began to feel that her relationship with them had become stronger and more solid. She noticed a secure attachment that led o creativity.

"I benefited from both programs," said Fida. "I got information that I did not know before, despite the fact that I completed my university degree and thought I was applying the principles of sound parenting with my children." She added: "The work of the World Vision is an integrative work, and its programs are intertwined and comprehensive. The Go Baby Go training helped me take care of my children according to the requirements of their age stages, and gave me information and practices about healthy behaviors that would contribute to my children enjoying a lifestyle that helps them develop. While the Positive Discipline training came to lay the foundation for a good education that helps me deal with my children and raise them in an environment that ensures their enjoyment of their rights, away from violence, and taking into account their age, thoughts and feelings."

After these positive changes that Fida noticed in her life, she decided not to be a just a recipient of this information, and not to limit the benefits that she received to herself, but to become an educator herself. She applied to volunteer for World Vision. This was the 
beginning of a new stage in Fida's professional life. She transformed from being a beneficiary of the organization's programs to an effective messenger for them.

Fida's Story - I Was Given The Opportunity To Be The Mother And The Woman I Wanted - World Vision JWG 2

"After joining as a volunteer with the World Vision, I was provided with the necessary training that helped me build my capabilities, including those related to the maternal and child health program, as well as the child protection and advocacy program," said Fida, now 28. "This, I wanted to work on transferring these information and skills to the women of my hometown, who yearn for knowledge and awareness as I do." She added: "I feel that I have become a more active component in my society and a better mother for my children, and I have broken away from the traditional role of women, of being only a recipient. I’m proud to be part of the change in my community regarding the application of information based on the scientific approach. I’m also very happy that I serve the Palestinian woman and help them, if only a little, to fulfill their role to the fullest in raising their children."

"I am grateful to the World Vision for helping me, like other women in this country, to take important leadership roles at the community level, and for the opportunity it gave me to be the mother and woman I want.”