Rescuing and igniting hope for children and youth forced into illegal mining

Friday, May 6, 2022

After series of surveys conducted in mining communities within the Diaso Area programme, World Vision noticed that small-scale mining was the most common economic activity that youth engaged in. Due to financial constraints, some could not further their education, and others could not fend for themselves due to unemployment and thus, had no option than to resort to small-scale mining.

Being a child-focused organisation, charged with the responsibility of ensuring the well-being of children and the youth as well as families, we introduced the rescue project. The output of the project saw the construction of schools in order to get children who have dropped out of school back into the classroom and the establishment of enterprise and savings groups for transformation to help empower the youth financially.

More than 6,900 children and adults benefited from the project through improved livelihoods and environmental sustainability.