PD/Hearth Training of Master Trainers Manual

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Training of Master Trainers for Positive Deviance/Hearth

So, you need trainers for Positive Deviance Hearth (PD/H), and you need them to have good facilitation skills? This PD/Hearth Curriculum complements the CORE PD/Hearth resource materials by helping you to train trainers. This curriculum ensures that each participant has practical sessions on facilitation, including peer review for facilitation skills, and has practical, in-the-field exercises to ensure that graduates from this program are well qualified to train the essential elements of PD/Hearth. This curriculum is not designed for beginners in PD/Hearth, but to build facilitation and training skills for those who already have exposure to PD/Hearth basics. This tool also contains a helpful volunteer manual for the graduates of this program to use when they are training volunteers.

What’s included?*

We have also developed curricula for Training PD Hearth Facilitators

*Please note that these files are web-ready. Please contact us at nutrition@wvi.org for print-ready files.

What’ll it take?

Six days of face-to-face time with no more than 20 participants.

What skills will participants walk away with?

  • Good facilitation skills.
  • Experience in essential community work components. 
  • Skills in teaching essential elements of PD/Hearth.
  • Ideas on how best to create an environment for adult learning.
  • Ideas on keeping sessions interesting and active.

Why this tool?

Training in PD/Hearth goes beyond just teaching the methodology. This training works to build good facilitations skills and helps to improve quality control in PD/Hearth training, and in PD/Hearth programming.

Source/Quick Link

Nutrition Working Group, Child Survival Collaborations and Resources Group (CORE). Positive Deviance/Hearth: A Resource Guide for Sustainably Rehabilitating Malnourished Children. Washington, D.C., 2002. http://www.coregroup.org/.../Hearth_Book.pdf

PD/Hearth Essential Elements: http://www.positivedeviance.org/...addendum.pdf